Happy Chinese New Year!

Posted on February 12th, 2021

Gong Hei Fat Choy, Happy New Year 新年快乐 (xīn nián kuài lè)!

Today we celebrate the Chinese New Year and welcome in the Year of the Ox. The Year of the Ox happens every 12 years and was last celebrated in 2009. According to Chinese tradition, the ox represents hard work, diligence, endurance, strength, and determination. It also represents movement. If you were born during the Year of the Ox, it is said you embody traits like strength, reliability, conscientiousness, patience, stubbornness, and can inspire confidence in others. Some famous names born in the year of the Ox  include former U.S. President Barack Obama, Walt Disney, Vincent Van Gogh, Princess Diana, and Margaret Thatcher. 

Also called the Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, Chinese New Year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice. It is a time for new beginnings and hope. This year, the characteristics of the Year of the Ox are welcomed and needed. Movement for getting life moving again. Strength, diligence, and determination to get back on our feet. Endurance and patience as we inspire ourselves and others to stay hopeful during this time.

Although the new year may look different this year, millions around the world will be celebrating today. Even if celebrations are virtual, we can still usher in the new year with open arms and bright hearts. So grab your red shirt (for prosperity), whip up some dumplings or pudding (for advancement and surplus), and raise a banner with all your good intentions! Happy New Year!
